Partner Dead! £100k of WIP Unbilled!

Yes, it’s true. A colleague told me this tragic story.

So he had done £100k worth of work and earnt nothing from it.

Apparently, some of the work was very old indeed.

It turns out that he had known many of his clients for a long time and I suspect his boundaries had become very blurred.

Poor boundaries are very commonplace in people I work with and cause no end of problems.

It seems that he didn’t bill on time and then when too much time had gone by, he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. 🕕

It’s much harder to bill later when the job has long since been completed, because the client has forgotten about the results you achieved for them.

I frequently hear irrational stories from intelligent people when it comes to getting paid or not getting paid their true worth.

I know this story seems incredible and yet it’s true.

How much WIP is outstanding in your firm?

How is that impacting on the business?

Please go and check out your WIP straightaway and if you have outstanding bills, get them sorted.

Better still, get in touch with me and book a 20 minute diagnostic, so we can review your sales process with a view to making sure that you do actually get paid what you’re worth and on time.


When Emotion Is High, Intelligence Is Low


You can charge your true worth and still be a nice person