When Emotion Is High, Intelligence Is Low

Are your business audiences challenged with charging clients at their proper rate?

Could their emotions, rather than reason be driving them?
I know the answer to both these questions is yes and yes. 💯

When I first heard the expression, when emotion is high, intelligence is low, it stopped me dead in my tracks.

I know from personal experience that it is absolutely right.

🔵Emotion is an automatic reaction to a situation which comes from the subconscious mind.

🔵It is usually based on previous experiences and reactions.

🔵So, if you then take action based on that emotion, it may not work in your favour, depending on the situation.

🔵The more sensitive you are, the more of a challenge this is.

🔵You have heightened emotions and pick up on others’ emotions too.

Let’s take an example of how this works.

💜A family lawyer, who is a heart-led person, has a client with young children, in an abusive relationship.

💜Not being sexist but I’m going to say she gets sucked into the client’s emotions which puts her on the backfoot.

💜Her emotions are then stronger than reason, i.e. when emotion is high, intelligence is low.

💜She becomes incapable of applying her full charges because in her mind she cannot add insult to injury by charging the client properly.

💜She has lost control; her boundaries are blurred and unless this is corrected, the same pattern of behaviour will continue, ad infinitum.

Whatever your business, particularly if it is service-based, this will apply.

Whether your event is for non-sales people who have to sell or salespeople, getting paid their true worth is a must. 

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