Feel Optimism Magical Outcomes

I know, I know, FOMO usually stands for fear of missing out.

Somehow, though, when I was in bed, my mind came up with this alternative.

In essence, you have to feel optimistic to create magical outcomes.

If you’re feeling pessimistic, you’ll create negative outcomes.

Let’s relate this to having those money conversations with clients.

It goes something like this:

❌  Oh, I can’t possibly charge that!

❌ What will the client think?

❌ What will the client say?

❌ I’ll probably lose the business.

❌ They will go somewhere else.

The noisy natter in your head is capable of creating any number of doom and gloom stories.

So why not train it to come up with a positive one instead, such as:

✅  Ooh, that seems like great value for the results I’m getting my clients.

✅  They are so lucky to have me. 😊

✅  They’ll be really happy to pay this.

✅  In fact, they would even be happy to pay me more.

✅ I will make sure they truly understand the value I bring.

Get the picture?

This fits in with the O part of my True Worth methodology which stands for Optimistic Outlook.

💜Mastering your mind means much more money! 💜

How good are you at having those conversations with clients?


The Mind Creates Stories


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