5 Reasons Why You Should Never Give Mates’ Rates

In my research, I discovered that mates’ rates are very commonplace.  They are not good for you, as a business owner.  They are not good for the client either.

Here are just 5 reasons why you should never give mates’ rates.

💎It will cost you money.

💎It will cost you time. 

💎 It will cause you stress.  E.g. How much will you discount by 10%? 20%? 30%?

💎 What happens if something goes wrong?  It will be more challenging to resolve, both for you and the client.

💎It means you’re focussed on price not on value. And that in my book, is a no-no.

I could almost write a book on this subject; but I’m not going to do that right now.

If you’re in the habit of doing this, do yourself a favour and stop.


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