The Mind Creates Stories

Which are often just not true.  I know over the years that mine created some real corkers.

The trouble is, even if they are not true, if you believe those stories, you will act on them.

That then causes problems.

Here are 5 steps to combat those stories or as I like to call it the noisy natter in your head:

💜 Notice the story

💜  Step out of it

💜  Ask:  Is that really true?

💜  If you say yes, then ask, how do I know that for sure?

💜  If no, no problem.

A simple example might be.  Your mind is saying, oh I can’t charge that; it’s a lot to ask the client to pay.  They won’t pay it.  I’ll lose the client.

If you apply the above 5 steps, you will realise that you just don’t know if that is true.

Give it a go.


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