Your Thoughts Are More Powerful Than Anything

Whoa. Hold your horses and stop for one moment and just think about that statement. It’s bold and yet it’s true.

In fact, I want to expand it by saying:

💥your thoughts are more powerful than anything or anyone on the planet. 💥

There I’ve said it!

What are you thinking right now about that?

Is it, oh fantastic, I’m in charge or is it, no that can’t possibly be true❓

Are your thoughts predominantly positive or predominantly negative❓

Whatever your answer, it’s just a habit and habits can be changed.

Many of your thoughts come from your subconscious mind.

This means that they are the same thoughts you had yesterday, last week, last month, last year, last decade!

If you look at what is not working in your business or your life, you can be certain that a big part of the problem is your thinking.

💥Who’s in charge of that?  You are, no-one else. 💥

💥No-one to blame, not even yourself. 💥

So, let’s use an example related to getting paid your true worth.

You raise an invoice for a client.

When you look at it, you think:

“Oh that’s a lot to charge.”

You feel decidedly uncomfortable and don’t like the feeling.

So you knock a bit off.

You still feel uncomfortable.

So you knock a bit more off.

Eventually, you decide that’s good enough and send the invoice off holding your breath.

So, who was in charge of that?

It was the thought, not you.

💥Remember your thoughts are more powerful than anything or anyone on the planet – for good or for bad. 💥

It was a thought you had had many times before, so it was well practised and therefore easy to do.

But if you think about it rationally, it’s really not good for business.
If you are one of the owners of business with client-facing staff, how many or other business for that matter, how many of your client-facing staff are doing that ❓

And how often ❓

Don’t know ❓

Well, they probably won’t come clean anyway.

To start the process of overcoming this challenge, may I suggest you grab a copy of my Best-Seller, True Worth or several copies.

The link is in the comments box below.

It will get them thinking on the right track …

✅ Whether your event is for non-sales people who have to sell or salespeople, getting paid their true worth is a must. 

Book me now.

They will thank you!


Managing Expectations


Shut Up