Be Memorable For The Right Reasons

💥 “Your talk at the Southampton Expo has remained with me after all these years, you delivered it brilliantly!! Lauren Matthews 💥

Lauren heard me speak over 6 years ago and never forgot my message.

That’s a long time!

She emailed me out of the blue with the above words.

The essence is that she wanted to book a meeting with me and her business partner.

And here is the testimonial she kindly wrote at the time of my talk:

💜“After listening to Vanessa's stimulating talk on getting paid your true worth, I cannot recommend her highly enough. She is inspiring, confident, and enthusiastic which is refreshing and contagious! 💜

If you’re looking for an inspirational speaker, I recommend you get in touch with Vanessa.”

The moral of this story is:

Be memorable, for the right reasons.

Oh, and the bonus is that she and her partner have become clients and they are wonderful.

✅If you’re organising an event for a service-based business and looking for an inspirational speaker, please feel free to get in touch


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